Right, so I got a webcam recently, mainly to capture line tests and cut out the middle man of commuting an hour to school to test some animation... a happy little consequence is I have now tapped into endless supply of portraiture subjects with Chat Roulette... all I got to do is endure some exhibitionist... anyways, here's the first wave of results....
anyways, hopefully having this camera will speed up some of these projects of mine... and posting on here won't be so tough... just be much lower resolution
Way off track for my new years resolution... again... but school has been insane... here is a quick life drawing post... Here are some new quick contour with watercolour exercises... There are 4 drawings in this series, which includes a new reductive technique... its essentially a painting technique using charcoal on new print... the entire class had amazing results from it.
I'll be trying to post more of my animation work later this week... I'm actually starting to head into production on a short 30 second animation set to some free music... (I know there are some continuity errors in how he holds the umbrella, those will be fixed in the final)